The dinghy park may be found at the far end of the Carnser Car Park.

The Dinghy Park Joint Management Committee are constantly seeking ways in which to improve the area, for the benefit and enjoyment of all, hence they are gathering basic information from all persons who site a boat on the Dinghy Park. By doing this, they will build up a register of information, which can then be used to contact the owner, in the event of any problem i.e. storm or flood damage something which they have not been able to do in the past. A corresponding registration sticker will then be provided to you, to attach to the boat as a point of reference.
Please help them by completing the Boat Ownership Registration Form by clicking on the button below and returning it to the Parish Office (or the Carnser Car Park Attendants Hut between 1st April & 31st October only).
Use of the Dinghy Park remains free, and your continued co-operation is greatly appreciated. However to help defray running costs, owners are invited to make a contribution to running costs.
To apply for the temporary removal of a boat and retain the space please read all criteria and complete the Temporary Removal Application Form using the button below.
Click on a button below to see the relevant details.