Overnight Camping (motorhomes, caravans, etc) is NOT permitted on any of the Parish Council Car Parks.
On Street parking in Blakeney is limited but Blakeney Parish Council operate and oversee three car parks in the village available to both residents and visitors.
Village Hall Car Park (Langham Road)
Overnight Camping (motorhomes, caravans, etc) is NOT permitted.
Owned and managed by Blakeney Parish Council, this car park is located on Langham Road and is free to park in.
It has a couple of street lights and is only a very short stroll via ‘Little Lane’ back into the High Street, making it perfect for those who are coming to stay for a weekend or longer as there is no time limit on your stay. Unload your car and then come and park it safely off the road, thus keeping the High Street clear in the event of emergency vehicle access, such as Ambulance & Fire Engine or even simply the dustcart lorry.

Coronation Car Park (High Street)
Overnight Camping (motorhomes, caravans, etc) is NOT permitted.
Owned and managed by Blakeney Parish Council, this car park has two sections. One side of this car park is clearly marked for ‘Visitor Parking’ .
The other side of the car park, is very clearly marked Permit Holders so only those with a valid permit may park here legally!
This car park is monitored all year round and operates a fixed penalty notice system. If you do not have a valid permit, then do not park in this section of the car park under any circumstance.
The Visitors’ side of Coronation Car Park is a Pay & Display Car Park. Please do look out for the signs and Pay & Display machine, all of which, are clearly visible. This is a 24 hour P&D car park. The charges are as follows; £6.00 for a period of up to 24 hours, £4.50 for up to 6 hours and we have allocated 30 minutes free parking (ticket must be obtained from machine to obtain free parking) for those who need to merely dash in and out for one reason or another. This car park accepts both coins and contactless card payments. This car park is monitored and a fixed notice penalty system is in operation.

Carnser Car Park (Quayside)
Overnight Camping (motorhomes, caravans, etc) is NOT permitted.
Jointly owned and managed by Blakeney Parish Council & The National Trust, this car park is strictly Pay & Display with the only exceptions being residents of the parish who must display a residents permit when parking or members of the National Trust who may park free of charge; subject to first scanning their membership card, and then displaying the ticket, which the pay & display machine will issue, clearly on the dashboard. (Window stickers are no longer valid in this car park.) This car park accepts both coins and contactless card payments.
This car park is manned with car park attendants throughout the months of April to October inclusive and they will be more than happy to help you. They should be clearly visible in their red tops, which read ‘Car Park Attendant’ on the reverse. There may of course be times when you cannot find them at any precise given moment as they may be busy dealing with a matter elsewhere, but 95% of the time you should be able to locate them, even if you have to wait a few minutes.
We try to help by displaying the tide times on the hut when the Car Park Attendants are on duty, however, tide heights and times can vary due to weather conditions such as the wind etc.
Please ensure that you are satisfied with where you have parked your car before leaving it for any length of time, as neither Blakeney Parish Council or the National Trust will be held liable if your vehicle becomes flooded. Also please ensure that you have left your handbrake on. Many a driver has forgotten!
All information in relation to the prices for this car park is clearly displayed by the board located by the Pay & Display machine which is itself fixed to the ‘black hut’. This is the ‘home’ of the attendant whilst on duty. They will assist you with change for the machine wherever possible.

Overflow Car Park
Overnight Camping (motorhomes, caravans, etc) is NOT permitted.
In certain situations when large numbers of visitors are anticipated, overflow car parking will be made available just off the Langham Road to the north of Kingsway.
Opening/closing times vary and, on occasion, there may be a charge for using the overflow car park.